I can like it was a movie on TV. I was a manager for Bath and Body Works in Atlanta, sleeping in cause I was closing that day. Britni already off to school, sun was peeking in the windows and the phone rang.
A friend said, turn on the TV, we are under attack. I remember wondering WHAT? So I turned the TV on, trying to understand what I was seeing. The first plane had already hit to tower and was smoking. I was sitting up, feeling like, am I in the right place. Then it fell. And my heart fell. I remember putting my hand over my mouth and just in awe.
And I just started to cry, like most all did at that moment. I remember getting on my knees and started to pray. At this point in my life, I did not have The Lord but I knew that it was the only thing to do. I remember the next plane and tower then the Pentagon.
I called my store that had my Asst. Manager there alone and told her what had happened. Our corporate office came together and we closed our stores.
Then like most, we gathered what was dear to us, our children. I ran to Britni's school and for her and we went home and watched the TV for hours and days it seemed like.
Through it all, the people are what I remember. Walking around, running, helping. It was the helping. People of New York, a place where as many know are not known to be the most polite people. They came together as one and banned together for the glory of good.
As I am typing this outside while my Little is taking speech, sitting outside on a bench in the sun light with tears in my ears, I so wish we as a nation could only do that today. Stand together as one!
The men and women of all ages that helped that day are Heroes. The families that lost loved ones will be prayed over on this day,every year.
As we moved forward and rebuilt New York City, we also rebuilt a small portion of our nation. One that can be brought together under God. Regardless if you are a believer or not, you can not disagree that we came together. So, lets never forget together this day, but also never forget that we can come together again as a strong and mighty nation and stand together in whatever we might face in the future. Together as brothers and sisters, together as friend and friend.
Thank the military person you walk by in the store next time you see one. They uphold your freedom! Thank the police and fire fighters in your town, they protect and serve. Thank the teachers that keep your babies young and old safe at schools. Thank the people in the medical fields for taking care of you next time you are there. Just give thanks that you are reading this, because many on Sept. 11 are not. Be thankful and remember to never forget.
What made us strong as a nation then through 9-11 can make us strong again through anything we face.
Thank you too all who gave their life for another that day, the the brave men and woman who helped and to the families that lost many loved ones.

- Suzanne, Mother of 11
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